DLGC News Dialogic's Bandwidth Optimization Solutions Enable Service Providers to Address Mobile Backhaul Challenges
2012-03-27 09:05 ET - News Release
MILPITAS, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 03/27/12
Dialogic Inc. (NASDAQ: DLGC), a leading provider of communications technologies that enhance the end-to-end mobile experience, announced that its bandwidth optimization solutions are helping service providers meet their mobile backhaul challenges. For service providers, this has resulted in improved customer experience and, in turn, an increase in subscriber base, which is enhancing both short and long-term growth prospects.
A July 2011 report titled, "Forecast: Mobile Data Traffic and Revenue, Worldwide, 2010-2015" by market research firm Gartner predicts that global mobile data traffic is expected to grow 26-fold between 2010 and 2015. This is based not only on exponentially more people having access to mobile data networks, but also on continued migration toward smartphone use, further increasing sales of media tablets and a burgeoning interest in data-hungry mobile video and mobile applications.
But what's more, this could lead to a need and demand for additional bandwidth that goes beyond the levels that are already making news today. With that, there would also be an accompanying expectation for mobile backhaul solutions that provide bandwidth optimization on mobile networks.
Dialogic's mobile backhaul solutions allow service providers to optimize bandwidth without the need for new infrastructure. The Dialogic® I-Gate® Session Bandwidth Optimizer product line already has a well-established track record of providing bandwidth optimization solutions, which can transport VoIP traffic through 3G mobile and next-generation switching networks. Part of this product line is the Dialogic® I-Gate® 4000 Session Bandwidth Optimizer Mobile Backhaul (I-Gate 4000 SBO MB), which has been shown to be able to quickly and cost-effectively double the bandwidth in a typical Radio Access Network (RAN).