It will be nice to see some volume. I think there was a time, where we had real low volume too and yet it picked up from there.
Honestly if this stock could gain more confidence of its direction, then yes those shares at 0.0002 are real cheap. But based on what Matt PRed, we need to know that we will be moving forward in the right direction. His honest or rather blunt PR kind of shattered many 's confidence. Let's face it, this is a pinky and many of us have been faced with scams. All the convincing by shareholders does not add any value to the stock. In pinkies, shareholders are taken for a joy ride by the CEOs' but here, if Matt give us some stronger confidence, I am sure many who are quiet will step up and post even on Ihub. As for me, it is my money invested, maybe it is nice to hear sweet words from shareholders, but that does not totally gain my confidence that this stock is moving in the right direction or that Matt is taking the steps to move his business plans forward I do not expect everyone to agree with me, but I guess I would like the right to say what is on my mind. I am still and yet holding confidently that Matt will come through and my investment and DD on the stock is right. Thanks!