Thra team we won a good victory on the other board, looks like we chased the negitive out. LOL
Tommorrow we will have a good day, I feel it, I am proud to be part of this possitive Thra team, who stay's Faithfull to there investment even when it looks like the chips are rockie. But I belive in all of you and our Ceo to fight till we win. Today we beat the negitive peole on the other board, for we posted and they did not. Sure they will be back and we will shut them down again, Because we stick togeather as a team and will fight till the end for what we belive in and that's a CEO who has comnicated with us, who is determined to make her dreams of success, for the Company and the stock holders. Hang in thing possitive fight the negitive and we will be riding that Thra train north.
and I want to give a speacial thanks to gramps, for all the advise and wisdom he has given me when he found out I was new to stocks. God bless you, for I belive we will all ride that THRA train togeather.