Posted On: 10/16/2014 7:24:13 PM
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Fortress Financial Group (FFGO)
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Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:23:16 PM
Post# of 74
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Posted On: 11/17/2013 12:33:55 PM
Posted By: charlie0530
From the Millionaires proboard re Ihub board....
Many are starting to be exposed on this board.
Hopefully we see another round up like this one in 99....
Janice Shell from hell
Janice Shell from hellI hub is full of bashers, and this poster Ms.Shell reeks of criminal activity ... and is ruthless to all who even mention a ray of hope towards any pink sheet in trouble. Why? Well, for starters I have anonymous surfing software that freaks out and highly recommends not visiting this site. They are phishing and hooking your browser. Hmm, and I thought Janice and little band of nit wit bashers said these stocks are worthless? So why do they want to raid these "looser" investors browsers? WHY? It appears the answer has something to do with the word value, or perhaps the basher folks are sadists that get immense pleasure from being insulting and cruel towards those seeking due dilligence for their purchase. Either way they sure do have an agenda. Personally I think Janice is too busy blowing some mob boss because she wants so to be a character from her favorite mob soap opera. Janice babe, KILL YOUR TELEVISION!
CMKM Diamonds, the spear head that rocked the world of these low life cheaters obviously shook the bashers up by exposing their diabolical plan to succeed in profits from stock manipulation and the duped investors that eventually buy their vomit of deception. NNOS, CMKX, SGGM, GEMM, and a whole host of other companies recently were mentioned in the Nev West / John Edwards / Tauli connection the NASD brought charges against. Sure as the sun rises and sets everyday these guys will be the first example for Janice and her basher alumni to use as a gauge for their own fate. Bashing and toxic talk combined with the toxic financing is the only way they can trade and profit. Take them out of the loop and soon you will see people like Janice Shell and Lee Webb doing what they do best ... begging for change at your local freeway ramp.The year 2007 promises to bring a new breed of investors, inspired by the partiots like Patrick Byrne of Overstock, Mark Faulk, David Patch, and Bud Burrell. The masses are gaining strength and knowledge every day by petitions and marches straight to capitol hill. With the new losses instead of gains, the bashers of I Hub and Raging Bull won't have to worry about morgage payments, plenty of cells await these crooks. Janice will not be so confident when she wakes up in cell block H surrounded by real criminals who lie, cheat, steal, as well ... oh, and let us not forget about the murders too. So wake up Janice Shell from hell, your going home real soon.
The Feds have been involved in an ongoing sting now for the past two years watching and logging the crimes against the investors and hard working citizens of the United States of America and globally alike. Your hedge fund partners you devote your slime ball life to are the ones loosing now. Just read the press releases of the last thirty days. It is just a matter of time before they come for you and the rest of the bashers. Stock manipulation is a crime and your in the top ten most wanted list. Don't believe me? Just call the FBI and ask! They're standing by waiting for your call right now. Did you really think the few rotten apples in the GOV would be there for you? Just ask Mr. Webb, I'm sure he has a few personal experiences to inspire you and your fantistic web of lies you spin everyday.
List of paid stock bashers on ihub
Here are some of the aliases:
Puppydotcom, alien42, Janice Shell, IGlow, Renee, TerryMatthews, samsamsamiam, NoDummy, LoneRanger2, Yoraces, LuckyMyDog, LoanStew, liable, David Gherkin, Cassandra, Oil9911, rbtree, EarnestDD, Nitwit, SRV-90, TenKay, Brad S, poster44ny, quikfix, sunspotter, flemdog33, g0nz0, ordinarydude, mysterymeat, Realityhurts, Arnold25764, janvonscanner, Specalcalculator1, Beau1954, Rich, Really Could Be, beerput, B402, cyberbullymouse, 1manband, moe_the_gyp01, jsp183, Bernija1, Lonewolf1, rrss44, tdbowieknife, grawsha, jeffn, Flat Foot, onemessageonly, joetm, BONESPUR, vans, CanadaPetro, mikeymgd, DDK89429, idkmybffjill, PipBoy, luvpink, browland1, Cobra Kai, chris12, freddie_blasie, retiredanalyst, Paul Wall, pitboss22, BillEvans80, IKE2511, Eliot Ness, BagsForAll791, mortalmyth, Dirty_Pop, ranger2339, CGardener, cduber01, oknybt, HappiTrader, md3423, LawnCo, diablo1714, subaru33, Oil king, sidedraft, MorningLightMountain, Onestepforward, Zomniac, Risicare, Peter99ff, Rookiecrd1, FedUpToHere, FinanciallyFree, stju1979, poncewaves, mastaflash, BigBake1, anian, BeGh, Nicstocks, Moreland, Slojab, Jetpilot1101, WarMachine, mikenmtv, Underdog150, Gainmaker, Usmvetslim, Seabreezing, Koog, oilfieldmafia, thecrusher2011, muscleshoals, B402, Dunphy777, CaveatEmptor, dumpmypump, Kaizer Soze, LA4321, ScamBuyer, Peggy, dannymaio, Balltilian, Rcranga, MosEisly
There's still a lot missing from that list......and some of them claim to be shareholders.
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Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:23:16 PM
Post# of 74
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Posted On: 11/17/2013 12:33:55 PM
Posted By: charlie0530
From the Millionaires proboard re Ihub board....
Many are starting to be exposed on this board.
Hopefully we see another round up like this one in 99....
Janice Shell from hell
Janice Shell from hellI hub is full of bashers, and this poster Ms.Shell reeks of criminal activity ... and is ruthless to all who even mention a ray of hope towards any pink sheet in trouble. Why? Well, for starters I have anonymous surfing software that freaks out and highly recommends not visiting this site. They are phishing and hooking your browser. Hmm, and I thought Janice and little band of nit wit bashers said these stocks are worthless? So why do they want to raid these "looser" investors browsers? WHY? It appears the answer has something to do with the word value, or perhaps the basher folks are sadists that get immense pleasure from being insulting and cruel towards those seeking due dilligence for their purchase. Either way they sure do have an agenda. Personally I think Janice is too busy blowing some mob boss because she wants so to be a character from her favorite mob soap opera. Janice babe, KILL YOUR TELEVISION!
CMKM Diamonds, the spear head that rocked the world of these low life cheaters obviously shook the bashers up by exposing their diabolical plan to succeed in profits from stock manipulation and the duped investors that eventually buy their vomit of deception. NNOS, CMKX, SGGM, GEMM, and a whole host of other companies recently were mentioned in the Nev West / John Edwards / Tauli connection the NASD brought charges against. Sure as the sun rises and sets everyday these guys will be the first example for Janice and her basher alumni to use as a gauge for their own fate. Bashing and toxic talk combined with the toxic financing is the only way they can trade and profit. Take them out of the loop and soon you will see people like Janice Shell and Lee Webb doing what they do best ... begging for change at your local freeway ramp.The year 2007 promises to bring a new breed of investors, inspired by the partiots like Patrick Byrne of Overstock, Mark Faulk, David Patch, and Bud Burrell. The masses are gaining strength and knowledge every day by petitions and marches straight to capitol hill. With the new losses instead of gains, the bashers of I Hub and Raging Bull won't have to worry about morgage payments, plenty of cells await these crooks. Janice will not be so confident when she wakes up in cell block H surrounded by real criminals who lie, cheat, steal, as well ... oh, and let us not forget about the murders too. So wake up Janice Shell from hell, your going home real soon.
The Feds have been involved in an ongoing sting now for the past two years watching and logging the crimes against the investors and hard working citizens of the United States of America and globally alike. Your hedge fund partners you devote your slime ball life to are the ones loosing now. Just read the press releases of the last thirty days. It is just a matter of time before they come for you and the rest of the bashers. Stock manipulation is a crime and your in the top ten most wanted list. Don't believe me? Just call the FBI and ask! They're standing by waiting for your call right now. Did you really think the few rotten apples in the GOV would be there for you? Just ask Mr. Webb, I'm sure he has a few personal experiences to inspire you and your fantistic web of lies you spin everyday.
List of paid stock bashers on ihub
Here are some of the aliases:
Puppydotcom, alien42, Janice Shell, IGlow, Renee, TerryMatthews, samsamsamiam, NoDummy, LoneRanger2, Yoraces, LuckyMyDog, LoanStew, liable, David Gherkin, Cassandra, Oil9911, rbtree, EarnestDD, Nitwit, SRV-90, TenKay, Brad S, poster44ny, quikfix, sunspotter, flemdog33, g0nz0, ordinarydude, mysterymeat, Realityhurts, Arnold25764, janvonscanner, Specalcalculator1, Beau1954, Rich, Really Could Be, beerput, B402, cyberbullymouse, 1manband, moe_the_gyp01, jsp183, Bernija1, Lonewolf1, rrss44, tdbowieknife, grawsha, jeffn, Flat Foot, onemessageonly, joetm, BONESPUR, vans, CanadaPetro, mikeymgd, DDK89429, idkmybffjill, PipBoy, luvpink, browland1, Cobra Kai, chris12, freddie_blasie, retiredanalyst, Paul Wall, pitboss22, BillEvans80, IKE2511, Eliot Ness, BagsForAll791, mortalmyth, Dirty_Pop, ranger2339, CGardener, cduber01, oknybt, HappiTrader, md3423, LawnCo, diablo1714, subaru33, Oil king, sidedraft, MorningLightMountain, Onestepforward, Zomniac, Risicare, Peter99ff, Rookiecrd1, FedUpToHere, FinanciallyFree, stju1979, poncewaves, mastaflash, BigBake1, anian, BeGh, Nicstocks, Moreland, Slojab, Jetpilot1101, WarMachine, mikenmtv, Underdog150, Gainmaker, Usmvetslim, Seabreezing, Koog, oilfieldmafia, thecrusher2011, muscleshoals, B402, Dunphy777, CaveatEmptor, dumpmypump, Kaizer Soze, LA4321, ScamBuyer, Peggy, dannymaio, Balltilian, Rcranga, MosEisly
There's still a lot missing from that list......and some of them claim to be shareholders.

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