EVPH Newest Partner, Dr. Paul Normand CEO of WorldWide Wireless, Unveils "Innovate or Die" Business Plans on Stocktraderstalk... |
Everybody's Phone Company (Pink Sheets:EVPH) recently announced their proposed LOI with WorldWide Wireless, Inc. On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 CEO of WorldWide Wireless, Inc. Dr. Paul Normand did a live interview with stocktraderstalk.com and stated that EVPH presented "an amazing partnership to work with a company who has extensive experience being a publicly held company". Additionally, Dr. Normand unveiled his personal and professional motto of "Innovate or Die" as a key part of his business plan. Dr. Normand spoke of how "Wireless data speed has finally caught up with the technology" meaning that major organizations predict that there will be an explosion of smart phones, tablets, and other integrative technology which will show figures doubling PER YEAR as the technology and speeds synch up and become increasingly user friendly. Dr. Normand also spoke of his short term and long term goals. In the short term he says the company is currently in a reorganization and "fast moves" stage, reclaiming customers from their BlackBerry® repair hey-day when revenues surpassed $1 Million. Other short term goals are to expand equipment and repair capabilities to include Iphone®, Android®, tablets, cameras, personal gaming systems, laptops and low-risk medical equipment (such as hearing aides and glucose monitors) at 20-25% of the cost of a new device. Also short term is to return to their previous "24 hour" turnaround on repairs, reconnect with the huge client list of household names they had as a BlackBerry® repair facility—Dr. Normand also mentioned most of these high profile government, corporate and enterprise clients hold a NDA so they are not able to be mentioned here. He also anticipates moving from serving about 5% of the potential market to 100% of the market, exploding with the technology boom by showing growth of 90-95%. Dr. Normand also mentioned long –term goals as moving from their current revenues of $300,000 back to their $1Million revenue streams. Within five years Dr. Normand hopes to be able to repair any device which is hand-held and battery operated and actually developing devices, manufacturing and distributing parts, having an application development team, and acting as high level consultants for corporations in need of strategic interfacing and/or green initiatives. To hear the full interview please visit www.stocktraderstalkradio.com About Everybody's Phone Company: Everybody's Phone Company (EVPH) is expanding their services to include online account monitoring, referral incentive programs, and availability of government programs to increase their bottom line and attract new customer bases across Texas. EVPH started out acquiring heavily discounted telephone service from the incumbent local exchange carriers, such as AT&T and Verizon, and reselling the services at premium rates on a prepaid basis yielding above average profit margins and mitigating bad debt. Once EVPH achieves critical mass in Texas, it plans to expand its prepaid telecommunications product nationwide. For more information, visit www.everybodysphonecompany.com |