In the markets the only deciding factor is time and what happens over its course.
Neither side is winning right now:
- BCAP is locked down in the $0.0001-3 range depsite the best attempts of the bashers to drive the stock to no bid.
- BCAP is locked down in the $0.0001-3 range depsite the best attempts of the longs to increase their wealth.
- BCAP is locked down in the $0.0001-3 range depsite or perhaps because of all the Matt has done (depending on which side of the fence one sits)
IMO the only key is will the convertible debt generate sufficient interest income to offset the expenses and let BCAP grow. We know its growing at 18% or greater because of Steve White and others. The rest (TA, brokerage, Clearing House etc.) will only exist to support the convertible debt concept.
IMO I believe none of the adjuncts is necessary for BCAP to succeed. It may quicken the process of finding convertible debt customers, but its not necessary. Hence why I keep saying only (low cost) shells or self-filled paperwork for the shells is all that Matt should do with respect to the other divisions.