newsletter on evtn today and found a blog article too...here is email first
Rocka's New Stock Profile EVTN Enviro Voraxial® Technology, Inc
It might be hard to imagine how a company that had record breaking revenue increases in 2011, approximately 250%, and projections for revenues to increase another 250% in 2012 could be flying under the radar but EVTN might be ready to shine in the spotlight.
2011 was one of stellar accomplishments for EVTN , one that involved explosive growth, exposure and change. Let’s start with their projections in March of 2011 for record breaking revenue increases which they achieved ~ approximately 250% revenue growth from 2010!
HOW ARE THEY DOING IT? The increase in revenues reflects a growing demand for our Voraxial ? Separators, specifically in the oil & gas exploration and production markets. In the past year our Voraxial ? systems have been deployed to both offshore and onshore production facilities. Our customers include multi-national oil companies, national oil companies and smaller entities as well, both domestically and internationally. The past year was an amazing year for EVTN and one might wonder how they plan to top 2011...unless of course you look at the diversity of EVTN's applications. Growing demand and revenues for the Voraxial ? should continue to increase in 2012 mainly from offshore and onshore oil & gas exploration and production customers as well as other developing market segments for the Voraxial ? . The company is receiving a higher volume of inquiries and request for proposals so they are forecasting a revenue growth of about 75-100% in 2012 and believe, depending on the timing of certain discussions and consummation of potential orders, that the growth rate can well exceed 225+ percent increase from 2011.
What is catching our eye in terms of growth potential? The companies that are going to see the biggest strides in 2012, we believe are the ones that are in growing market segments. The markets for the Voraxial ? Separator are developing as companies with high volume water separation problems are becoming more familiar with the Voraxial ? . Overall spending in the exploration & production market is estimated to grow at about 10% to just under $600 billion in 2012, which would represent a record year. By 2015, spending in exploration & production is estimated to approach $800 billion. EVTN is currently progressing with numerous opportunities within the oil and gas exploration & production market. These projects require liquid/liquid, liquid/solid and liquid/liquid/solid separation and may include the Voraxial ? 2000 Separator, Voraxial ? 4000 Separator, Voraxial ? 8000 Separator or multiple versions of the Voraxial ? Separator Skid. The Voraxial ? Separator fills a void in a large segment of the separation market, specifically, in areas of high flow, limited space and limited fluid pressure. The differences between the Voraxial ? and other separation solutions in the market are important to remark on: Currently, the solutions to handle this type of fluid stream are 1) create pressure which can be costly and counter-productive to separation efficiency, or 2) use large settling tanks or systems using large tanks to allow time for the oil and/or solids to settle - this results in a slower process, larger footprint (for which space may not be available) and potentially more maintenance. Additional problems include the difficulty in handling a high concentration of oil or solids and a fluctuation in flow rate and oil/solids concentration.
Potential Market Penetration The separation market encompasses a series of multibillion dollar segments, spread globally across many industries and applications. EVTN continues to pursue the oil & gas industry but is also processing proposals from other industries such as mining, food processing, manufacturing and oil spill industries. EVTN owns significant IP surrounding the Voraxial ? and has new innovations under development.
UPCOMING EXPOSURE OPPORTUNITIES Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. announced that the Company will display and demonstrate its line of Voraxial ? Separators at the Shale Gas Water Management, Marcellus Initiative 2012 in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania on March 28-29.
The fact that EVTN has been asked to participate speaks to the broad reach of EVTN's technology.
CONTACT INFO: Phone: 954-958-9968 Email: info@evtn.com
The company believes that to date, that the “street” is unaware of the opportunity that exists with EVTN. We agree which is why we feel the time is right to bring EVTN into the spotlight.
Good Luck,
Mr. Rocka