
$DNYS Cyber-Thingy Digital Advertising
Cyber-Thingy’s digital advertising package includes content design and multi-function interactive solutions. Our clients can advertise on thousands of digital screens with a demographic audience and area base covering bars, gas stations, restaurants, retail locations, corporate buildings, hospitality, travel, healthcare, banking and the entertainment industry.
Digital advertising is a relatively new form of advertising that allows companies to use electronic screens to broadcast information, commercials, or anything else of their choosing to large amounts of people. This kind of advertisement is growth at a record pace. We are seeing a complete industry shift. But where did it all start? Digital advertising was used in the 1970’s in stores with VCRs and televisions to attract customers but it was always on a closed circuit and everything was pre-recorded. It wasn’t until recent years that companies were able to display high quality content that was supported by a broad band internet connection.
Digital advertising and interactive screens are relatively new. People and companies are just starting to realize the potential that digital advertising has. This kind of advertising could revolutionize the consumer market in the span of a few years. We have all seen the LCD display TV’s in gyms and malls, but now, they are everywhere, directing you to places such as restaurants, movies and retails shops. Even five years ago, this kind of advertising would have been too expensive considering LCD and Plasma screens were either experimental technology or too costly to be worth the investment.
Due to the multi-function of our Cyber-Thingy Kiosk and the availability of high speed internet, Cyber-Thingy’s digital advertising network is expanding in or around a city near you. Many companies are now linked together because they use our digital advertising network. Cyber-Thingy’s digital network continues to develop new advertising partners and strategies along with using the best digital advertising software in order to maximize effectiveness and ultimately profit.
Digital Advertising Facts
•Digital advertising is a proven method to increase sales
•Over 75 % of purchasing decisions are made in store
•Impulse purchases usually double
•People remain in store 5% longer
•Information retained is 37% more than standard print
•Digital online advertising was a $28.5bn market place in 2011 and is expected to top 32.6 billion in 2012
•Companies are shifting marketing dollars to online digital advertising in hopes of reaching more consumers as the old way of advertising continues to diminish every year
•Portable KIOSK advertisement displays are becoming more popular in this digital age
•Cyber-Thingy’s digital advertising platform allows the kiosk displays to be anywhere in the world and fresh multi-media content can be downloaded in real-time. This allows the advertiser to change its advertising message to target a specific region and/or demographic audience.
•Product and brand promotions can now be done in a more efficient manner and at a much lower cost compared with old traditional ways.
•Researchers have found that consumers pay more attention to digital advertising content when they are in a situation where they are waiting or hanging out with friends. The term is called “wait warping,” and it occurs when a customer perceives his wait time to be shorter because he is entertained during that period of time. Cyber-Thingy’s unique looking kiosk with the digital advertising display draws attention and sparks conversation among friends which further spreads the advertising message.
•Digital advertising gives the advertiser the ability to play content at specific times of day and remotely control their displays, all of which increases their marketing and advertising effectiveness.

