New Mail Bag
March 20, 2012
Dear Shareholders,
Thank you for your patience during the RS process.
One email came to me from a stockholder that asked :
"FYI, some talk forum persons are saying the split has been denied by SEC and FINRA. One poster says he called them. Isn't this illegal and insider info? "
Our attorney just wrote this response to me :
It's not true. I have been in contact with FINRA. It is just a long process these days.
The person asking this question is correct in his thought on "insider information". FINRA and these people do not discuss things with stockholders that are in process.
Shareholder Question : What are the chances with the Balance of Trade issues, that China Tractors will be hit with huge tariffs ?
It will not likely happen .Tthe USA exports, far more Agricultural related products, then we import. AG is the shining part of the Trade program that the USA has with China. The US Gov traditionally will tariff products when they directly hurt a US Industry . That is not a factor since most everything in the Small Tractor Industry is made elsewhere in the World. Even in the Cold War, Russian tractors had no tarrifs when they were shipped into the USA.
There was a Post trying to discredit Yellowstone Tractor ? It was a nice try, but like all of these types of things, they have no merit or truth !
Hi Mark,
When YTC was first registered in 2006 it was listed as "Yellowstone Tractor Company" . Currently the Secretary of State does not recognize a "company" unless it is a LLC or INC. Now as of July 11, 2011 YTC is registered as "Yellowstone Tractor" our registration does not expire until July 11, 2016. I hope this clears up any questions.
Thank you, Yellowstone Tractor Company
Sales have started to take off nicely during this first quarter of 2012, after a very slow 2011. Since sales are coming back, we will be out pounding the pavement hard. I suggest to all of my loyal shareholders, (and we have plenty) to review the motives of the people who are constantly at work trying to discredit Tytan. Tytan has proven to be an exceptional stock surviving through almost two years of unbelievable false claims and defamation, starting back with the Bogden defamation suit. The Judge had no problem ruling on that case. People who are spreading false information are not our friends. I feel sorry for people with nothing better to do than spreading "F.U.D." (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt).
Don't let them get you down.
Talk again soon