58% of respondents said they think marijuana should be legal vs. 39% who hold the opposite view. That’s a different picture than the one presented by a recent CBS poll , which found support for and opposition to legalization at an identical 47%. Still, that poll – taken in mid-November – showed growing support for legalization in general over the past year. It also found that a whopping 83% of Americans back the idea of medical marijuana.
The evidence is quickly mounting – be it through polls or election results – that Americans are much less concerned with medical marijuana and cannabis in general than they once were. At some point, the government will have no choice but to listen.
“The increasingly strong national support for making marijuana legal demonstrates that the writing is on the wall,” Steve Fox, the director of government relations for the Marijuana Policy Project, said in a statement responding to the PPP poll. “Marijuana prohibition’s days are numbered. The Obama administration cannot stop history. If it interferes in the implementation of these new laws, it will only unnecessarily prolong the chaos of an uncontrolled market.”