I definitely don't like what Miami has been doing lately nor I exoected this from him. However, he has nothing to do with the current PPS nor the lack of interest in the stock.
It is very easy to fix any misconception with tangible results.
I asked yestedray, if we haven't even filed yet for the preferred's, how far are we realisticaly from the brokerage and how we will survive till we raise the money?
I also asked whether Matt stated in the CC that he needs 1 million dollars for the brokerage or no since I did not listen to the CC?
It is sad seeing all those shares available at 0.0002 and the more shares sold here, the more far we will be from any meaningful sustainable rise in the PPS with any news. Those shares will be dumped over our heads in any run. We have a problem here and beacuse of what people have been witnessing lately with the PPS, I have doubts that any will really hold his/her shares long term. I think that the flipping mentality ill take over.