I sent him a couple emails but they were probably censored by the gestapo
The Trust Fund Limited Inmate Computer System (TRULINCS) is a new program currently being deployed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to provide inmates with some limited computer access, to include the capability to send and receive electronic messages without having access to the Internet. This program is designed in part to assist in the inmate's eventual release to the community. Electronic messaging has now become a standard form of communication within most American homes and businesses, and it can now be used to help inmates stay connected to their families. Strengthening or re-establishing family ties helps inmates improve the likelihood of a successful re-entry into the community, thus reducing the potential for recidivism.
Do inmates have access to the Internet? (top)
No Internet access is provided.
No taxpayer dollars are used for this service. Funding is provided entirely by the Inmate Trust Fund, which is maintained by profits from inmate purchases of commissary products, telephone services, and the fees inmates pay for using TRULINCS.
Do all BOP facilities have access to TRULINCS? (top)
Effective February 2, 2011, all BOP operated facilities have TRULINCS. Contract facilities do not operate TRULINCS.
How do I correspond with an inmate by email? (top)
Inmates are limited to sending and receiving electronic messages only from individuals on their approved contact list. An inmate must request to exchange electronic messages with a person in the community by placing that person on their contact list. If staff approves the inmate's request to exchange electronic messages, the system generates a message to that person directing them to www.corrlinks.com to accept or block the inmate from contacting them via electronic messaging. The inmate will be notified of the requested contact's reply action and messaging may begin if approval is received from the contact.
What can I do if I have not received a system-generated message, but the inmate added me to their contact list? (top)
Verify with the inmate that they entered your email address properly. Pay special attention to the spelling of addresses and domain names (.com, .net, etc.). Many mail clients have filters to protect users from spam and viruses. Once you have verified the inmate entered your correct email address, you should check your junk mail folder to see if a filter diverted the message.
What can I do if the identification code provided in my system-generated email is not accepted by CorrLinks? (top)
Check the email date, the invitation to accept an inmate's communication is only valid for 10 days. If the 10 days has expired the inmate will need to re-add the contact request, thus generating a new identification code. If the invitation to accept an inmate's communication is still active, contact CorrLinks support.
What can I do if the inmate is not getting my emails? (top)
Please ensure the inmate is at a facility offering TRULINCS and has access to Public Messaging. Please make sure your CorrLinks box shows sent messages to this inmate, if not, contact CorrLinks support.
Is email correspondence monitored? (top)
Yes; all email correspondence is subject to monitoring. Inmates consent to monitoring when they agree to participate in the program. Contacts consent to monitoring when they approve corresponding with the inmate and are notified each time they receive correspondence from the inmate.
Email correspondence may not jeopardize the public or the safety, security, or orderly operation of the correctional facility. Additionally, it may not exceed 13,000 characters (i.e., approximately two pages). Correspondence that is not consistent with these restrictions will be rejected.