Yes they are - so much so that noquit doesn't realize that his posts are positive for Tytan. No one selling shares and Tytan similar to Honda and John Deere, Rolls Royce.
Just in case my post is deleted from i flub. Here it is:
A couple of thoughts - if there are no more shares to sell and the market makers are "borrowing" shares to fill orders, then NO ONE is selling. Seems like a good sign to me.
Also, I'd much rather own stock in Honda than Rolls Royce. Honda sold 3,700,000 cars in 2008; Rolls Royce had a banner year in 2010 and sold 2711 cars (nearly double what they sold in 2009).
That would be 1364 Hondas for every Rolls Royce.
The analogy is an apt one for Tytan versus the Rolls Royces of tractors.