All promoted Stocks 12/2 - 12/3 | 151 promos on 36 stocks
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Promoted Stocks in alphabetical order
Stock: ABBY - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.49 - Last Trade: 0.49 | Low: 0.49 - High: 0.49 | Trades: 1 | Volume: 343$
Stock: ALQA - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -9.09% | First Trade: 0.055 - Last Trade: 0.05 | Low: 0.049 - High: 0.06 | Trades: 15 | Volume: 16815$
Stock: AMBS - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -16% | First Trade: 0.025 - Last Trade: 0.021 | Low: 0.0201 - High: 0.025 | Trades: 84 | Volume: 265545$
Stock: CTLE - 3 Alert(s)
Loss today: -12.66% | First Trade: 1.145 - Last Trade: 1 | Low: 0.99 - High: 1.17 | Trades: 62 | Volume: 253188$
Stock: CXM - 2 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.26% | First Trade: 0.2206 - Last Trade: 0.23 | Low: 0.2206 - High: 0.235 | Trades: 96 | Volume: 275562$
Stock: DDCC - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -5% | First Trade: 0.02 - Last Trade: 0.019 | Low: 0.017 - High: 0.0215 | Trades: 10 | Volume: 14450$
Stock: DIDG - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -7.14% | First Trade: 0.28 - Last Trade: 0.26 | Low: 0.26 - High: 0.28 | Trades: 6 | Volume: 13597$
Stock: EKNL - 8 Alert(s)
Loss today: -6% | First Trade: 0.5 - Last Trade: 0.47 | Low: 0.46 - High: 0.51 | Trades: 19 | Volume: 36412$
Stock: EWPI - 4 Alert(s)
Gain today: 14.63% | First Trade: 0.0041 - Last Trade: 0.0047 | Low: 0.0041 - High: 0.0049 | Trades: 10 | Volume: 4529$
Stock: FBTN - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0.88% | First Trade: 0.57 - Last Trade: 0.575 | Low: 0.57 - High: 0.575 | Trades: 2 | Volume: 229$
Stock: FERN - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.08 - Last Trade: 0.08 | Low: 0.07 - High: 0.08 | Trades: 6 | Volume: 6553$
Stock: FNRC - 18 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.09 - Last Trade: 0.09 | Low: 0.0665 - High: 0.09 | Trades: 53 | Volume: 122559$
Stock: GMXS - 11 Alert(s)
Loss today: -35.71% | First Trade: 0.042 - Last Trade: 0.027 | Low: 0.022 - High: 0.042 | Trades: 45 | Volume: 78759$
Stock: IENT - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 63.33% | First Trade: 0.06 - Last Trade: 0.098 | Low: 0.06 - High: 0.14 | Trades: 66 | Volume: 102720$
Stock: JAMN - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.17% | First Trade: 0.132 - Last Trade: 0.1375 | Low: 0.132 - High: 0.1375 | Trades: 7 | Volume: 2769$
Stock: LFAP - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -6.93% | First Trade: 0.29 - Last Trade: 0.2699 | Low: 0.26 - High: 0.32 | Trades: 104 | Volume: 411705$
Stock: LTCH - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -0.93% | First Trade: 1.08 - Last Trade: 1.07 | Low: 1.01 - High: 1.09 | Trades: 37 | Volume: 113549$
Stock: MMMW - 9 Alert(s)
Gain today: 29.63% | First Trade: 0.081 - Last Trade: 0.105 | Low: 0.08 - High: 0.21 | Trades: 73 | Volume: 173253$
Stock: MSSD - 7 Alert(s)
Loss today: -5.26% | First Trade: 1.9 - Last Trade: 1.8 | Low: 1.71 - High: 2.07 | Trades: 42 | Volume: 383892$
Stock: MSVS - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 13.51% | First Trade: 0.0037 - Last Trade: 0.0042 | Low: 0.0035 - High: 0.0042 | Trades: 43 | Volume: 58263$
Stock: NANI - 12 Alert(s)
Loss today: -17.86% | First Trade: 0.028 - Last Trade: 0.023 | Low: 0.023 - High: 0.03 | Trades: 52 | Volume: 39792$
Stock: NGRC - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 10.45% | First Trade: 0.651 - Last Trade: 0.719 | Low: 0.64 - High: 0.735 | Trades: 95 | Volume: 876717$
Stock: ONCS - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 8.47% | First Trade: 0.295 - Last Trade: 0.32 | Low: 0.29 - High: 0.32 | Trades: 44 | Volume: 268148$
Stock: PBCW - 7 Alert(s)
Gain today: 128.25% | First Trade: 0.0701 - Last Trade: 0.16 | Low: 0.0701 - High: 0.1749 | Trades: 176 | Volume: 10145905$
Stock: PHOT - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -11.11% | First Trade: 0.045 - Last Trade: 0.04 | Low: 0.0395 - High: 0.045 | Trades: 29 | Volume: 15095$
Stock: PPHM - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -4.38% | First Trade: 1.6 - Last Trade: 1.53 | Low: 1.35 - High: 1.6 | Trades: 375 | Volume: 27006569$
Stock: PZOO - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -10% | First Trade: 0.03 - Last Trade: 0.027 | Low: 0.027 - High: 0.03 | Trades: 4 | Volume: 749$
Stock: SANT - 10 Alert(s)
Gain today: 31.25% | First Trade: 0.008 - Last Trade: 0.0105 | Low: 0.0078 - High: 0.0105 | Trades: 50 | Volume: 61714$
Stock: SEHI - 16 Alert(s)
Loss today: -27.03% | First Trade: 0.037 - Last Trade: 0.027 | Low: 0.02 - High: 0.042 | Trades: 33 | Volume: 40447$
Stock: SPOW - 11 Alert(s)
Gain today: 16.07% | First Trade: 0.0056 - Last Trade: 0.0065 | Low: 0.0056 - High: 0.007 | Trades: 52 | Volume: 63660$
Stock: STLK - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -25% | First Trade: 0.018 - Last Trade: 0.0135 | Low: 0.012 - High: 0.019 | Trades: 29 | Volume: 14717$
Stock: SUWN - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -3.57% | First Trade: 0.28 - Last Trade: 0.27 | Low: 0.26 - High: 0.28 | Trades: 9 | Volume: 10620$
Stock: SVEN - 5 Alert(s)
Loss today: -8.99% | First Trade: 0.345 - Last Trade: 0.314 | Low: 0.305 - High: 0.345 | Trades: 151 | Volume: 3237832$
Stock: TWDL - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -20% | First Trade: 0.015 - Last Trade: 0.012 | Low: 0.0085 - High: 0.015 | Trades: 15 | Volume: 12778$
Stock: VSTA - 3 Alert(s)
Loss today: -20% | First Trade: 0.015 - Last Trade: 0.012 | Low: 0.0085 - High: 0.015 | Trades: 15 | Volume: 12778$
Stock: VSYS - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 624.64% | First Trade: 0.0069 - Last Trade: 0.05 | Low: 0.0069 - High: 0.056 | Trades: 3 | Volume: 1067$