Cwrn had ca 200k tons of waste product alone as of June-including ca 135 k tons of fertilizer then -see trommel calculations sticky-and no doubt more now. Should have fert permit by now as per the following from CWRN President Shirley.
After shipping 43829 tons June 12 should be dock room to truck a shipload of fert to perhaps Portland USA as suggested in past by CWRN- have had past discussions w OMRI- largest west coast organic fert distributor w HQ Eugene Oregon. OMRI will want to further process the fert before shipping to retail beginning in Feb for the warmer coastal regions of Calif,Oregon and Washington and continue shipping to mid summer at least.
Already have a shipload of 45k tons of regular iron product presumably for Bao at port whenever Mex govt releases it-if it hasnt already.
Due to negotiations w sec over a Mar 2010 incipient promo that netted CWRN nothing in gains, counsel apparently have advised CWRN not to issue anything that could be considered a promo until such negotiations are finished so we continue to wait for a PR- last PR 6-25-12 -meaning, as Shirley has signaled, things will be PR'd most probably after the fact.
but we have had a new CWRN website since then -anybody remember the date of the new website?
Posted On: 10/24/2012 1:40:57 PM
Just in off the press.. lol