They will be banned shortly.
I am all for differing opinions, and I welcome "bashers", but an obvious TROLL is a different story all together. We have to be very aware that this is a critical time for CTIX and on these message boards. Lots of new faces will be coming here and we need to ensure that the discussion does not get too far derailed or cluttered up with incendiary posts. Bringing politics and other hot topics into the discussion here is not productive when it is done in an obvious troll fashion.
This is a laid back board that welcomes open dialogue and contructive criticism and questioning, but obvious trolling will NOT fly as long as I am a mod, as this quickly will turn off new members who get lost in a sea of hateful posts, and miss out on the great info that is shared. It is a quick way to lose relevancy and credibility, if new people come on here only to see an entire board front page filled with nothing but irrelevant troll posts and upset members.