More than 80 percent of Internet users watch online video. Raystream helps you profit from them.
Raystream gives your video content a significant competitive advantage in an increasingly crowded marketplace. In May 2010, 183 million Americans watched 33.9 billion online videos. By 2012, online video will be the largest single IP traffic category.
Given the choice between watching a movie, television show or live event in an old-fashioned, pixilated, constantly buffering format or in Raystream’s instant access, full-screen, uninterrupted HD quality, which would you pick? Web-delivered video watchers
- soon to be 9 of 10 internet users - will always choose the Raystream experience.
From feature-length films to 15 second website ads, Raystream makes your content more attractive than the alternatives.
With our advanced, yet simple to use, compression technology your content looks better and streams faster than ever before. We enable high definition (720p and 1080p) video over standard Internet connections - at major cost savings - through our full-service online video platform.

We serve
Businesses that create and distribute online video including, advertising and marketing firms, content creation, delivery and distribution networks, online video properties, telecommunication companies and more.
Organizations that wish to stream live corporate, sporting, news and other events
Individual and smaller accounts through Raystream’s automated online video platform.
For more information, please visit our Investor Relations section or contact us .