Why Solar Thermal?
Solar Thermal Energy is the most cost effective solar option for energy generation!
People see photovoltaic (PV) systems in the media every day, to the point that "solar" means "solar power". Solar thermal has largely missed the media spotlight, and many do not understand some of the key differences that make solar thermal the most cost effective option for energy generation.
Cost of System per Watt
Solar thermal costs less per unit of power than photovoltaics, pure and simple. Solar thermal collectors boast maximum efficiencies of up to 70% of the energy of the sunlight being converted directly to heat, while solar photovoltaic systems boast perhaps 12% after de-rating and inverter losses. All things being equal, a "typical" PV system of 3,000W gross rating often costs about $26,000 compared to the cost of a standard TS-150 series system of approximately 4,400W costs less than $12,000. Think about it, half again the capacity for less than half the price.
Economical Storage
Solar thermal systems store the energy they collect in water or some other medium. This means that heat collected while you are at work is available when you want it, even when the sun goes down. By contrast, a photovoltaic system must rely on batteries to store energy collected during the day, or divert it to load dumps or the local electrical grid. Batteries are expensive and inverters are even more so, and batteries must be periodically replaced and recycled.
Let's face it, solar thermal is easy to understand. There are a few basic components, including the panels, pump, tank, controller and sensors. Solar photovoltaic systems are vastly more complex. Solar thermal systems are simpler and most homeowners can perform maintenance by themselves. Even if repairs are required, simpler systems take less time to inspect and perform repairs on.