Questions - your other post was deleted because it was way over the line.
Its one thing to ask questions, but stop the personal shots at Steve.
None of us know how this will unfold over the coming months / years.
Your concerns may prove to be valid.
Or things may very well unfold the way Steve has suggested they will. Time will tell.
The fact that things take time does not mean that these things won't happen...nor does it mean that Steve is lieing.
Uplisting: Steve reiterated tonight that they are working on it.
Dilution: he's addressed that many times also.
Revenues: they take time. They have just started to come in. There will be more next quarter & the C C revenues will come as more airports open. Anyone who doubts the C C revenues is not doubting Steve: they are doubting Clear Vision. Clear Vision announced the airport rollouts, not ICPA. ICPA is riding on their coat tails. Do you think the Clear Channel annoucements were untrue?
Things are moving along. But big projects like Punch & C C airport rollouts take time.