Now lets get into the next order of business. What will we keep on the 200 BPD, What is TECO's actual take. This is an important question and I'll have your answer down the road. LOL
I'm not about to try and figure every deal, and what %'s are royalties, are whose and and so forth. I am not privy to all the deals and I don't believe I can get a number I feel comfortable with giving. That number is apt to change at given moment.
We want to get a baseline on Revenue/BPD's over the next 2 or 3 Q's. There moving forward we can get a number to work with. And at that point we'll know if our "margins" are contracting or expanding. Everyone here also needs to realize the price of crude will also have a major impact on profitability and where it lies in relation to BPD.
Now I haven't mentioned Nat Gas. For me, this is the gravy/icing on the cake and I believe the line is currently up and running. I going to say 40k to 50k a month. I'm keeping this revenue out of my projections as of now, so I can get a flow rate and get an idea of sustainability. This 200k is held as a cushion for me. I'm accounting for a bad break somewhere over the next 120 days, costing us money. Should it not happen, I'll gladly put it in my next projections.LOL
120 days.