Something sure is fishy smelling around here….. And there seems to be alot of bandwagon jumping to conclusions type o' sh*t too……….
I said before that this is much ado about nothing and I still hold to that statement.
But it sure has gotten strange around here.
Here is the the statement that has started this which was posted on 7/18/12:
"We have begun the process which will take about 30-40 days to make the move. I feel this will best serve all current and potential shareholders."
Is it ambiguous statement? I agree it can be looked at that way, so yes.
Can I see how some were assuming that in 30-40 days ICPA would be uplisted? Yes. There has been alot of assuming on both sides.
Does the statement say unequivocally that ICPA will be uplisted in 30-40 days? Absolutely not….. It says "We have begun the process". My thought then as it is now is that once the process is completed, and a application is filed, then it will take 30-40 days to make the move. Has there been any statement made that a application has been filed since July? I can't remember one. If there has been one, please provide it.
Other information that has been produced been since yesterday
a) ICPA was contacted about uplisting by the QX
b) The QX was contacted by a poster here and was told that ICPA does not meet the requirements yet and has not filed an application
c) The CEO stated that the individual that was contacted by the poster here is not the person with whom he has been discussing the uplifting with and won't provide the name of said person because that would/could be regarded as "inside information". (not a shock, Steve has said that he doesn't like to give out names on other subjects as well.)
d) The individual at the QX that the poster here was in contact with stated that he doesn't think the CEO should've said anything about it. (well….who cares? Why shouldn't it be discussed? If it is the intention of the company to uplist, then why should it matter to him if it is discussed or not? What does it hurt? )
The only other thing that I can remember that Steve has said about when an uplifting to the QX can occur is that he recently said it will be sometime next year. Again, if there is something I am missing here in regards to what has been said by the CEO about a timetable please let me know, because I seriously can't remember one.
BTW,( and this is directed at krea, who I believe was acting with honest intentions in finding out info on his investment) this is in no way a criticism of anyone doing DD to find out more information about their investment. I highly recommend it.
But, It sure seems like there are alot of peeps that want all the guns drawn on the messenger because certain people assumed too much as apposed to what was actually stated.
As the song goes……
You've nothing to say
They're breaking away
If you listen to fools………
The Mob Rules