Question is... are the daily shift-working BASHTARDS posting in collaboration with the self-righteous crusaders from here:
DD Support Board and Fraud Research Team
(I believe this board group consists of "profiteers" working downs and ups in PPS... while manipulating a significant number of over-zealous, self-righteous clueless crusaders who think the markets are a fair & level playing field... or can be MADE to be fair & level! I also feel sure that Hedge Fund trolls are among this group... although THEY assure us that NSS is our over-active imaginings!)
OR... are the FUDSTERS merely those threatened by JBII's success? Perhaps like Agilipoo (and employees), Covanta & other garbage-to-energy burners (do not recall if the gang that bankrupted Harrisburg, PA, was Covanta or another), some other alternative energy folks like solar or wind power, and perhaps even some segment of WM affiliated peeps are out to derail JBI.
Or could be Blest or Donghe linked persons threatened with extinction by JBI's complete revamping of the technology to a green efficient BEAST.
It is hard to fathom that oil,, natural gas, electrical or nuke power interests would feel JBI was any threat to them at all.
When JBI gets national attention with 3+ processors running in NF... and likely one or more processors online making fuel at an RKT site... the NATIONAL MEDIA exposure will make this stock go viral... MUCH LIKE a youtube video about United Airlines breaking guitars!
ROTFL... JMO, of course. And several irrelevant bashtards (es, s, j, mlm, PP before his booting) have assured ME that I'm irrelevant... as well as a bagholder again in JBI... just like THAT OTHER scam I owned and supported for a good while. (which one? LOL... I had a learning curve at iHub myself.)
I have to admit that a couple of years ago the risks of that were far higher than now with NY DEC permits in hand... NOW I expect to be a bagholder in JBI... BAGS OF $$$$$$$$$$$$!