Stop pretending...
Good advice... too many pretending here and on LieHub that the JBI Team has been focussed on deceiving shareholders rather than focussed on developing P2O technology! The NF facility and NY DEC permits give credence to a start-up company developing a disruptive technology...
and HORSE PUCKEY POSTS from SCAM-ARTISTS and SCAM-ABETTORS are finally being recognized for what they are! Hopefully the THREE STOOGES are just the beginning of justified court orders meted out to as many as possibly can be filed, convicted, and enforced!
The next SIX MONTHS should be a delightful time frame for all LONGS to enjoy as the P2O process is validated and finally recognized across a broader audience in the investing community!
ALL the "unreliable sources of FUD" will become more and more comical and self-exposed as their desperation mounts... likely MANY will be joining the ranks of the unemployed as failed efforts are slowly abandoned and good news for JBI continues to be discovered! Deliveries to US Steel and others are just beginning... more fun is sure to be coming!