Thanks trucker,
My emotions here coincide with company actions. I initially was very excited here because I valued MWWC at over $1.00. That was based on 55mil shares outstanding with revenues of 10 mil. Since then they dilluted the heck out of stock over 300%, and revealed revenues of only around 4 mil this year. So naturally my valuation as well as my excitement is going to change. Dillution is the #1 killer of penny stocks. I understand that selling or issuing shares is sometimes a necessity and when utilized correctly and with good accounting practices can actually benefit a company, but MWWC management has had serious dillution taking place with nothing to show for it, and everytime they dillute the stock it has a real impact on lowering the valuation. The company implied things were turning around 1st quarter of 2012 and so far we are in the second quarter of 2012 and we have no evidence that things have turned around for the good. We only have evidence that things are still bad because of the continuation of dillution and toxic financing that is taking place. Besides, the company rarely puts out any press, so all there is to go on is previous 10Q's which are horrible or the one press release that comes out about every 3-4 months. I think their silence is evident of the current state of affairs at MWWC.
I'm hoping things turn around FAST. I hate seeing millions and millions of shares get absorbed in the .002's and .003's because if there is a turn around and they actually start generating significant revenues then it will make it that much harder to ever see new highs. This needs to bounce back above .005 and stay there in the short-term, and this will only happen if things change at MWW and they start working on these contracts (which we dont even know for sure if they have) and put out some frequent press releases.
Best of Luck