CTIX: "Before the Bell"
1. I am coming to the point of despising all our Washington elected officials. How about doing something good for America for a change. We have come along way (in the wrong direction) from what our Founding Fathers intended.
2. Are you as tired as I am hearing Warren Buffett tell us how willing he is to pay more taxes and the rest of us should as well . . . what a crock of s#$@! Another self absorbed, arrogant human being.
3. CTIX holding at $1 and above . . . I have a good feeling about December and January. This little "engine that could" is at this point driven by one thing: NEWS! Forget all the TA and save that for another day. We move up on NEWS!
4. I know its been slow news wise lately . . . keep up the spirits...post often...let's keep this going...share your favorite recipes, new beers, wines, and drinks we need to try, "go off" on iScrub.... let's have FUN...this is OUR board! No one is going to disrespect you or delete your posts!
Have a great day!!! And, go buy yourself some more CTIX!