I agree that the PR today was dissapointing to say the least. Shareholders need transparency as soon as possible, not more fluff and expectations of things to come "soon".
"... the Company expects to receive the first half of the shipment this week ..."
Mr Allinder, this is not news worthy. Also which is not worthy of a PR is the minutia surrounding the distribution system or arrangements on the logistics side of operations, that can be detailed in a required and necessary filing, like the "imminent" 10K. An agreement with a warehouse servicing company is not news. We also already knew about the upcoming inventory delivery and were already expecting a shipment. Actually it is dissapointing to hear that only half of the shipment is expected to arrive "soon". PRs should be reserved for realized and accomplished goals and corp actions and events which have already happened and no one but maybe insiders know about. Shareholder notices are good for explaining the status of the plans in action and what is expected to happen just so shareholders have an idea of what is going on with the business. We also already knew all about the new CannaCig V3 which I still have not seen has any differences with the Cumulus other than appearance, which is totally fine, I just wonder as a shareholder what the overall plan is with the product line (marketing different brands to different demographics, etc).
I do NOT agree that PR's have been or should be timed by the CEO so as to have any intended affect or consquence to the stock price. PRs are not meant to give the stock a lift for flippers so I do not see any evidence to suggest that that speculative assumption has any merit. I personally believe that the CEO is NOT putting out PRs in order to affect the PPS, at least I would hope that is not the case; I think he is really just following his role as CEO and building the company, etc, but it still is frustrating for shareholders to see PR after PR of expectations and forward looking statements all the time. To be fair, if one looks at the history, one can see that since the CEO came onboard the company, most of everything that he has ever said was coming in the future HAS COME! So I think shareholders need to remain patient and diligent, however I also think the CEO really needs to provide transparency first and foremost and hold back on all the forward looking statements.
Where is the 10K filing? IMO that is what shareholders need to get right now, not soon, not imminently... right now.
Hopefully shareholders get to see some kind of actual progress as far as corp actions this week or early December. Shareholders who have bought in during the past few months or weeks have been getting crushed, so I think shareholders deserve some realized and accomplished corp actions from management at some point, sooner is better than later, of course. Just my opinions.