EZ... all very good questions, that as you indicate, have not been answered yet. Or have they, and you just don't like, or missed, the answers.
Without doing all the research... I think he has addressed the uplisting issue at least once, if not more. He said, if I recall correctly, 30-40 days as one of his very early answers to the issue. Perhaps the uplisting is not going as he first thought it would. If I recall correctly, his most recent responses have been it would happen in 2013. Regardless of when it happens... isn't it more of a timing issue rather than intentional attempt to mislead? I guess it depends which side of the confidence fence you're on.
10-15 million dollar commitment... can't explain because I don't know in what context the number was used. It could have been accurate, but based on goals being met, or the actions of other entities other than ICPA. To jump to the conclusion that Steve misled investors on that issue, I think is a stretch, given that we don't know all the particulars of the agreement. I too would like to know what that statement was based on, but before I would call it misleading, I would need more information.
Countdown... I guess that was before my time maybe... I don't recall the particulars on that one.
Name change... yes, didn't Steve say 22 days from the filing? Maybe its changed already and we just can't see the evidence of such, yet. Should we see a PR on such... I don't know, perhaps Perchy might know. But here again... not enough information, for me, to call misleading. Others may disagree. Remember... the application is made, then its up to others to act. If they don't act in a timely fashion... is that Steve misleading?
Look... will everything go perfectly in running a business... of course not. If you think yes, then you have never run a business before. As CEO you make statements based on your best belief, and best information possible - at that time. Things change, situations change, other people don't do what they said they word, or on the timetable they said they would do it in... that's just business. But to call every missed deadline and prediction misleading if it does not turn out to live up to original expectations... is just unreasonable, and unrealistic.
No wonder Steve will not make any prediction on revenue or profits... he's dammed if he does, and dammed if he doesn't. He is in a no-win situation there.