Saw our first big order this AM
I expected to see a big order today and saw it first thing this morning on MAXM for 500,000 shares at .025. This wasn't like the fake order flow that I've seen, I saw the bid sitting for a couple of minutes.
Of course the bears dumped into it as you can see below. The first dump was to see if they can scare them off, the next was to finish him off and clear it out. If other people see big order size on bid, they are more likely to feel comfortable hitting ask or bidding which is why bears need to clear out the big orders.
The thing is that there should be more big orders coming in behind this and it was good to finally see a half million sized order today as we have not seen many of those in the past couple of weeks. It takes 2 data points to plot a trend, so I'm watching for the next one to pop up which when it does should bring the 3rd and the 4th etc not too soon afterwards.
Also ... if this buyer added a half million at 2.5 cents, I'm guessing that he or she will be willing to buy another half million plus if price trades into 2 cents, which should add to the case of 2 cents being major support. Once again, that's why I don't think we get down there and instead start to make oure way back up.