So much for positive thinkin'.
3 weeks since Obama won again and I'm just startin' to accept it and plan accordingly.
I watch the U.S. Debt clock and the food stamp recipients # was 47,155,000+ when Obama won his second term. There was a huge spike in new applicants the following week and since then has now tapered off to about 4300 new applicants p/day, with current recipients at 47,704, 000+.
If the trend remains the same for the next 4 years as is currently increasing (4300 p/day), that adds up to only approx. 6.27M new mouths on the taxpayer's back.
Bad as that is, it's still not quite as bad as his first 4 years.
I'll be watching it (food stamp recipient numbers) closely though, as I consider it a very telling sign of where our country is going.
I'll update if and when the trend makes a considerable/significant difference for the worse.
Hopefully, I won't have to.