Nice post! just keep in mind though that what we are really just getting going! Like what steve said in response to my posting it takes weeks or a month or two or so, for revs to come in from date of advertisements on shows, but hey now we will see good and better revs for next q from mostly aug through say mid nov. that will be by dec. 31st, end of 4th quarter!
I predict over 300 grand in toatal! The 1q is going to be 2/3 bigger at least than the 4th q IMO!
What ever, for next year, altogether with the few airports and others, wouldn't doubt over two mills in revenues! Just my thoughts! IMO ONLY! GLTA and you to sir!
And in response that others have said on other board to others, I'm perchy and I agree with this message! Let me get it and paste what insanant and slick were talking to! Be back
here it is to the others on other board!
Riddle me this, boy wundah......
How come so many longs who bought in under sub penny back before the spike like myself are still here?
Hint: It's not becuz we like this board.........