Off today, cause they forgot to order the insulation for floor! So I'm backed to work tomorrow pouring the slab!
Union construction laborer in laborers union! For now in wis. will be transferring to oregon hopefully next year!
Do about everything, sewer and water, mainline and distribution gas, asphalt, cocrete, mason tend, demolition, ETC.
Hopefully, we will get this stock ICPA to .30 or better next spring! Should be in dollars within a few years!
Then I get my dividends going, only work when someone calls! wouldn't haft to look for work anymore!
Plus what 250 to 300,000 grand for a log home in mountain in oregon, land included!
Bought more today and recently! Building my shares up that are held for a year or more! Tax break then on my profits! Plus plan on holding to some for a great long term or buy out by a major! GLTY and all!