Hey GL....lol....aww no way man I am not going to hate you or anyone less, man we have so much information, we will have to hire a girl friday to keep track of it.....I what to say it was the older guy at the table who said it, I want to say Hollander, who say "IF" there where to do a split, then the pps would have to be around .75-.80 cents, but Nenez thinks they won't have to do the split, to get us up to the nasdaq, so either way the goal here is the nasdaq for sure, cause thats where the major big dogs play, deep pocket barney's are, and the guys who could buy it all are..LOL......remember there's well very deep wells of cash that can't buy anything under $5.00 a share, we go past that number, your in a new zip code, and its not 90210....LOL.....you may be able to afford Millionares Row at the Kentucky Derby....thats a goal of mine, walk in like you own the place, and tell all those over weight cash hogs to get out of my way, there's a new boy on the block, I'll tell John Trovlta to get me a drink, and it better have a lime in it...LOL