"Why do you think the name change is coming? Its so when people look up the company they don't see all the negative stuff ICPA has done in the past." ...
Well... that's one point of view - however companies change their name after acquisitions all the time. Instead of naming all those that changed their name after an acquisition, I would ask you to name a few who changed nothing after a major acquisition such as when IC Places acquired PunchTV - which was 10 times its asset size.
"Does it make sense why we would absorb PUNCH TV to then change our name?" ...
Yes... of course it does. It make logical sense from a business standpoint, as the new name will better describe what the new company is all about.
"or are we blindly following a man who just literally crashed his own PPS?" ...
If ANYONE is following a man who "literally crashed his own PPS"... they need psychological help. If anyone really believes such a ridiculous notion, then why would they own any of the stock??? Why would they be posting on a message board about the stock???
"...if Steve would have held off from showing his greed..."
Can you explain how to tell the difference between greed, and ambition? I guess it depends what side of the fence your standing on. I believe... if Steve's actions were as a result of greed, you would see him squandering the shares on homes and cars. Ambition on the other hand looks like Steve's actions of purchasing PunchTV - which, in time, will reward ALL shareholders.
I believe... this PPS is sitting where its at because of the constant and excessive bashing by those that have a hidden agenda. To those that hate the stock, company, and CEO - just move on with your life. We all know of dozens of bankrupt mining or supplement companies with higher PPS's than ICPA... so what else would explain the current PPS??? In my opinion... NOTHING else can explain the current PPS except the unsubstantiated, constant, and deceitful bashing of this company and CEO.
To the REAL shareholders... you know deep down what you own... hang in there.