will, you're welcome to your opinions, of course. There is much that is unknown about SRGE...and many many red flags. I suggest you watch...and proceed with caution.
I don't know how long you have been around these speculative markets, but, in my case, it has been a long long time. I am not fooled easily when I see outlandish claims by a company, or investors. And that is what I'm seeing here at every turn.
Is SRGE one of the very few that is 100% legit, and above board in all that they present to the public? Anything is possible, but, believe me, it is very doubtful that they are legit, or even close.
Two of the most glaring problems are, one, the fact that they deregistered their stock, which means that they don't have to put out audited financials. And, two, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the TA is gagged, which means the current o/s is unknown.
So, continue to ignore all the warnings that you are presented with, or call them lies if you wish, but don't be surprised if much of the info turns out to be accurate.