At times, we are ALL emotional. The key is to keep it professional on the board, and when frustrated, go out and kick the neighbors dog. When we attack the company and the CEO on the board, it accomplishes nothing except to let everyone know what we already know: This is a frustrating situation until Matt clears it up.
This site is for people that believe in the company. It does NOT mean we won't have doubts, get impatient nor wonder what is going on. It's all in the presentation. Just becuase we aren't all screaming, does not mean all or some don't feel the same way.
We need to realize that Matt is the only one that can give us the information we all seek.
When we forget that, and forget that we are all in this together, we seem to take it out on the board.
I agree with the ban, becuase he forgot that and it is only a distraction and disruption. But I also agree he needs to learn everything I just stated. We cannot resolve this situation, we cannot give him the most current information, we cannot "make him feel better".
In light of this, if the tone cannot be civil towards those on the board, it is inappropriate to let it continue. I have seen posters here say the exact same things he has, albeit, in a professional, respectful way.
I think Two Brass needs to have this discussion with him, and then make a decision. I also hope he reads this.
The status of the company is what it is, and only time will prove where we are heading, and we will each have to make decisions along the way. BUT we need to work through this together, put our heads together and come to some conclusions / assumptions and have good discussions.
Ultimately, only Matt can show us where we are and where we are heading as he releases information. I know that Matt feels more comfortable with some than others. I undersand his caution. I appreciate his PR's that "tell it like it is" and are only for things that have happened and not forward looking. This eliminates alot of conjecture, interpretation and attacks.
Since Desert admits he is new, and I was "new" once to investing, I have been through what he is going through, and you all have also. You cannot speed up the market, you cannot control the market, and you must decide each day what to do with your holdings. THAT'S IT. And we do this based on available information.
This is what he needs to understand. We must all self evaluate our reasons for getting in any stock. Most of the time, it's hope. Hope that it will make us some money, hope that it will validate our decision to put our hard earned money into a stock, hope we made a right decision. When it appears that these hopes are not coming to fruition, we "hate ourselves for being so dumb". Come on, admit it, we have all been there. And the way we deal with it, is to shoot the company and the CEO.
Sometimes it is justified, some times not. But that is a personal wrestling scenario, not for the board.
Posters cannot have all the answers, cannot mind read and cannot predict the future. Desert needs to understand this.
I hope we can come to a decision that is good for all.