About the "Gerard M. Zack" book about Financial Statement Fraud that includes JBII as an example...
It seems the Mr. Zack has a decent reputation. Much of his career has been devoted to bringing fraud in non-profit organizations to the surface.
While the book may not get a lot of public attention, it is worth considering the man's opinion regarding the case.
I wish he had waited until the case had been settled before including it in his book. He seems to be relying on the SEC moving forward with the case as reason enough to include it among his examples. That is probably not a bad barometer. He paid no attention to the amateurish document that was written outlining the allegations. There appears to be more to this than just the accounting fraud story.
I wish this chapter would conclude, one way or another. It remains a huge weight around the company's neck. I do not expect it to result in a judgement that will prevent P2O from moving forward. But its weight will only be lifted when the case is finalized.
It never should have happened to begin with and is why I have been critical of JB. He is smart enough to have known better.
I do not intend this to be a whine, just a discussion of an event that has not yet concluded. That makes it current and relevant.