RIBT RiceBran technologies
This was NTRZ which got out of bankruptcy restructuring earlier this year. I could go on and on, but the world's best know meat analogue and meat ingredient man is Henk Hoogankam, from The Netherlands. Henk is know as "The King of Soy" as he was the force in getting soy protein in many meat products. He has now moved over more to stabilized rice bran as being better than soy. He is not an employee of RIBT as he wants to be an independent expert in the industry. First I will give you credits on him, his 3 page list of books, then his article about RIBT. I don't see any stock anywhere with the potential it has and the kicker is that it already does $35 milion a year ans getting close to cash flow positive. It closed today at .063.
http://henkhoogenkamp.com/_Books.aspx His 3 most recent books are about rice bran
My posted stocks
GSS-- 11/21/12 $1.66 11/23 $1.81
RIBT 11/23/12 $.063