Yeah I never expected this to drop below .005 either. Im down bigtime. It just irks me, because the company could be doing more to atleast maintain shareholder value. There was no reason they couldnt come out with some press if they had to dillute more. They could have counteracted most of the dillution and we would probably still be in the .005's right now. Now I'm concerned its going to be that much harder for this to climb back over .01.
They mislead us in my opinion three times: One, they tout in their last press release how revenues are only going to increase from here on out and how the rest of 2012 will see "SIGNIFICANT" revenue growth. The second time was when they talked about how the "early investors" will be greatly rewarded for their patience. Well that statement was made when the stock was close to a penny, now we are below .003. The third time came when they touted $125 million in RFQ's. What investor wouldnt take a shot at that.
Ihub is comprised of a bunch of brown-nosers. They call Ranier up and he makes them feel all chummy chummy and warm inside! As if he would tell them anything bad in the first place! They are very naive in my opinion.
However I will say that its far from over here, and if management didnt lie and they actually have these multi-million dollar contracts they have talked about for several months now then there should be no reason this stock shouldnt see much better days in the future. That is as long as the dillution stops and they start frequently announcing this good news to the investment community. Otherwise we'll see more of what we are seeing now.