By the way, why should I? sirg when I got in it was .009, the buffoons in washington caused a market rattle with there stupid antics, sirg dropped like a rock, cashed out at .0029, lost 6 grand, a monthlater, over a penny, icpa will bounce back like it, icpa proven products, sirg, no products, all talk!
once icpa blows, she will blow!
give me .30 I would be retired on a dividend stock, about 200,000 shares of cim at today prices, but that stock gonna go down after next divi, cause the tax rate will be increased to 20% at least on divi's plus the filing problems! Besides, I want vegas!, my goal is only 100,000 shares of cim!, perhaps it will get down to 2.10 a share! Be wonderful, wouldn't have to sell as many icpa shares, the taxes do take a chunk out!