Ok team tommorrow I put Sun, were the Sun dont shine if you read his post #30619 my replie will so he's a horses ass. 1. how many post's has he called our CEO a criminal well in this Post he say's there honest (Got YOU) 2. He says we said permits were put in for mining not a fact, If he didnt delete my dd permits were picked up, and not filed. ( GOT YOU) 3 He refrers to testone mining, as TesONE if he did his DD he would have found out there is a Test-One who sells mining equiptment only. (Got you) Yes there is a testone mining company that is not afillated with the other ( poor DD)
Finnal finally he nows nothing of how mining works weather it's an mineral field or a oil field, unless you own the field. you rent the field in this case I belive it is JD exploration, I belive that is what the permits say from the ministry of mining on the sticky, any way once you lease a mining property you give the start dates, But with our CEO tied up fighting the chill, the start date is not going to happen. So she needs to ask for an extentenion on the start up date, which she will get. it is a miner setBack. NO PON INTEDED LOL. I put this on this Boaurd cause I now it will be deleated by a red face sun, who never want's to wrong.