Sure, Gramps Hears an up beating story for you that happen today on one off my stocks, They to are on a chill It was the same Basher's ect. Every one gto into this stock because they were in preproduction of a movie, and were in negotations on buying a movie studio, On the Board the Bashers got people scared, saying the same stuff as Big Fake and Sun. Hell maybe there Brothers. well people bailed, because they were told the Chill will hurt the company and it's on the way go Bankruped. Well today the company announced the Movie studio was finalized today, and the movie is out of pre production. A company still on the chill is thriving today it had 38 million in volume and still on a chill, glade I held onto my shares at 0.0001. See Team Thra Will survive because like this company the CEO was always in communication with the stock holders. and was honest what was going on.
My belife is thra will do the same. Hold on team think Possitive, every once in a while give them hell over there, For we will Be the Victors.
Go Thra