I have been in a stock where I had a fatalist approach and just figured it was going to keep going down until it went to zero. I refused to lock in my losses by selling, and even though I had no funds to buy at the lower price, I had some comfort in knowing that there were a lot of people doubling down at each of the lower levels, which is what creates support level. As it turned out the stock bottomed out, and then a big PR came out that they got approval to conduct a clinical trial that sent the stock from .045 to .20 in a couple of weeks.
As we get closer to a new support level, more and more people will be tempted to buy more to either lower their average, or buy their first shares because valuation has changed so much. What was unattractive a month ago is now that much more attractive, if only because of the lower price. Couple that with the fact that we actually had more revs than the previous 2 quarters, and that by even conservative estimates we likely will have SUBSTANTIALLY more revs in the 4th quarter than this one, we should start to see a potentially dramatic turn around very soon. I am hopeful that Coolnapz is on the money when he mentions .05 next week, but the turn around is almost in sight if not next week in 2-3 weeks. Those with funds should be accumulating at this level, we won't be here much longer. By 2013, if nothing else changes, we should be at least in the .05 area, if not a lot higher. Oh yeah and remember 2013 is only 6 weeks away. Happy Thanksgiving to all here!