My bad, I kept seeing many posts reflecting the Dec 7 date and took it to mean that is when most believed PR re: biomarkers would be released. Sorry for mistake.
Just to be clear, IHUB admin may be a pain in the ass but I don't see the posters over there as enemies and thus I read/post both boards regularly. I feel anyone invested in CTIX should have access to as much info as possible as it may be a crucial part of their future financial condition.
Not playing favorites, not trying to stir up trouble.
In the future will make no reference to what others on either board may be thinking. Lesson learned.
Edit: I posted here about an hour ago about a response from Andrew on the IHUB board and I was chastised over there regarding that also. What Andrew said verbatim was "Patients are allowed to remain on the trial as long as they are retrieving (sp? should be receiving?) benefit."