I think since the Q3 filing we all have become aware that the Ironridge share purchase plan has been, is and will be dilutive, this is no surprise. Investors can focus on what they will but to be fair, there is the glass half empty and the glass half full. An addition of 50M shares is the negative, though only having a 3% dilutive effect, and the positive is that the company continues to receive inflows of capital for operations! I think the loyal long term RFMK investors can see past a 3% dilution and find the patience to support the company while it waits for its first major shipment of inventory, (valued at $1.5M). For those who are going to freak out and lose hope every time the O/S moves up by some small percentage, you may want to rethink your RFMK investment because I can save the suspense for you, the RFMK O/S is probably going to be diluted many more times into the future based on this share purchase plan it has with Ironridge. So plan on seeing more of this but also realize that there is also an upside which is that the company is receiving important funding which has the ability to get the business going with major sales and revenues faster than it could have without funding and dilution. We have been over this time and again. Perhaps those who feel they have waited long enough for a return on investment in RFMK need to just cut and run instead of enduring more and more dilution as the story progresses. It's that simple.