.00075 is the true price. see why
Because the A/S is 4 billion now, and the asset base $ 3 million. If you divide 3 million by 4 billion you get a price of 0.00075. That should be the true PPS in my opinion. I think the stock is terribly overvalued at the present moment.
I think its just a few more days before 000s are on board( taking into consideration its lost 97% of its value in past 6 months--from0.059 to 0.0031) . Samblis cannot stop the 000s IMO.
but thats not the only bad news. once a penny stock hits 000 its only a question of time b4 it goes to .0001( just an observation)
All above is just my own opinion. you huys do what your DD tells you to. I gues i have a right to wroite what has happened in past few months . its incredible how a share can lose 97% of its value in such a short time... but then this is the world of penny stocks