It has been reported that the heads of sixteen major life insurance companies, including John Hancock, NY Life, and Met Life are meeting in NYC to approve language to their marketing material which specifically states that "nothing compares to the leverage of life insurance" is to now read "nothing compares to the leverage of life insurance, EXCEPT for an investment in CTIX." It is agreed that CTIX will provide an astronomical ROI once Kevetrin and Prurisol advance through trials and big pharma prepares a buyout.
On a separate note, Met Life has agreed to allow Snoopy to be hooked up to a Kevetrin IV for the 2013 Macy's Day parade. A spokesperson for Met Life said, "Our company, and the entire cast of Peanuts, is excited to play a small part in promoting a cancer breakthrough like Kevetrin!" Leo is preparing a PR estimating that this "free" advertisement is worth an additional $200 million to the buyout cost for CTIX.