I agree! Why raise it now? Some people say Steve should not post on the other board but what difference does it make? Everything is copied from here to there anyway. And there have been good questions brought up and some Steve gave good direct answers to and some I think Steve skirted the issue and I believe could have and should have been answered.
I'm long here but mainly because I have to be. I would rather be long because I have total faith in this stock, but I'm worried. I am not going to take this huge of a loss now. I am not bashing and I also understand this was not intended to be a get rich quick stock. But I also had faith that we would be very happy by Christmas! If the pps just slowly crept up by Christmas I would still hold because I liked the way the future of ICPA was going.
I can't help but think that maybe PUNCH TV might have been a little too much too soon. I don't know, maybe I'm just wondering out loud now.
But Steve, if you have any rabbits to pull out of that hat...seriously...now is the time to do it!