What do you mean, "is the stock done"? No, it's just gone through a reverse split, 1:20, that's all, business as usual. The PPS before the split was about 1 cent and now it is reading $0.24 so it looks like the conversions have properly been transacted, however, even before this R/S, the DGTLF price at 1 cent was erroneous, there had previously been a 1:5 R/S which the gatekeepers had not properly adjusted for in DGTLF, so I am still under the impression that before this latest R/S, the PPS should have been at 5 cents which should make fair value in DGTLF right now about one dollar, but it is showing only $0.24 so who knows. The parent corp does these R/S's rather frequently and each time its done, the ticker goes offline for a while while they adjust shares and do the subscription and issuances. They have done about three per year since I have owned shares, I once had hundreds of thousands and now I have less than tens of thousands and yet the price seems to be at roughly the same level it was so my positions are showing about 98% losses at this point, basically a total loss. I really do not know exactly what is going on over there in Hong Kong but this company seems to just keep doing R/S's and dilution and then the price drops another 50% or more over the months until the next R/S and dilution. The HK 0329 is not trading yet but its last price was at HKD$2.20 so who knows where it will go in the next six months but it does seem that DGTLF is still tracking its price movements, its just that in my opinion the adjustment formula is off and not recognizing the previous 1:5 split but I could be wrong, its very confusing.
Whatever happens it should be interesting to see how the talks with big tobacco develops with Ruyan because Ruyan patents are a major strategic asset in the vaporization industry so who knows what they could be worth to big tobacco. Hopefully Dragonite management are good negotiators and I think they have waited for this opportunity for years. Blu Cigs went for $135M with no patents but decent sales and inventories, Ruyan has really no sales or inventory to speak of but they do have the only two USA vaporization patents which are critical to have for big tobacco so who knows how much Ruyan could go for. I am thinking at least $50M if not $100M. Ruyan going for $100M would effectively pull HK 329 up by 5X just on book valuation alone. But by the compounding effect of all that inflow of capital into Dragonite it could spur their business and get them out of debt and moving along nicely so who knows the Hang Seng traders could flood in and push it up another 5X on earnings considerations in that scenario. That would mean 10X gains for DGTLF from 0.25 which would be about $2.50/share. I guess we will see what happens in the next few months, into next year probably.