but that is your pov (point of view) >> NOT MINE
this is why i classify myself as an investor and have
never begrudged *legit* traders (retail) >> perhaps
because i'm familiar with VCs .. and recognize both
risk and realistic time lines >> i find the time line re: P2O
flat out stunning >> and considering the *wordy complaint*
could have *derailed* JBI for 2 years >> and mgmt will most
likely claw back the last Q of fy 2012 >> it's downright revealing
the irony is the PROS will jerk the stock around until sec's hand
is forced >> that may very well be CFP >> or a new partner 8k'd
when i look at my CB (cost basis) on my tax lots .. i see *very*
little upside <edit time> until *GREEN* >> which is why i never go all in .. just
set a price target and a total amount of shares to hold >> i wish
i could have been an early investor .. and i can tell you if the oppty
presents itself in the future >> i will INVEST in anything JB undertakes
because P2O WORKS >> and i understand the significance of SAIC
and i also recognized that rock tenn (RKT) provided leverage for my *risk taking*