And rrr1 I know u and some others are contacting Bob but I just learned about this situatuon a few days ago re some asking Bob to delay financials so I'm reporting it so we can do something before financials are delayed.
The main PR re uplisting was this one;
FROM the May 26, 2011 PR w Maxes highlighting-these PR's are in Max's compilation
OTCK Status: CWRN is no longer a developing company and as such the non-reporting SEC status is not desirable to maintain a healthy share value for the shareholders; therefore, the Board of Directors have agreed to move on. The company will be merging into a new mining company that will be involved with several other iron ore mining projects and will be an SEC reporting company listed on the OTC:QB; this process shall take some time and will require shareholder's voting approval. A Shareholders meeting will be held, all shareholders of record will be given a 45 day written notice of the time and place of the meeting. A news release will also be issued with the Shareholders notice.
My commentary:
The otcqb is 1 of 2 classificatons on the OTCBB-the otcqb has no qualitatitive or quantitative standards other than requiring audited financials and SEC reporting-so CWRN would easily qualify with the audited financials and the initial co info statement vouched for by an SEC qualified lawyer.
The higher class of OTCBB-OTCQX-is rapidly growing since its institution ca 2 years ago and is a parkig place for many foreign etc blue chips that either dont want to deal w all the hassle and expense of a major exchange or are waiting for listing on such. It has a min pps of 10 cents.